BBx BUI Showcase

Smartphone/Tablet Demo Apps
BBx® applications targeted for various phone and tablet devices running iPhone/iPad iOS, Android, Blackberry, and more.

Dashboard Demos

Desktop/Laptop Demo Apps

Advantage Demos

Small Sample Programs

You can view the source for the small sample programs by clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the program. Most of the other programs are installed with the BBj Product Suite in the <bbjhome>/demos directory. Download the package that contains the demos from the BUI-powered Product Download Page. To create your own copy of this page on your machine, follow the instructions given in the <bbjhome>/demos/BUIShowcase/readme.txt file. readme.txt

BASIS provides sample code for demonstration and illustrative purposes only and has not thoroughly tested it under all possible conditions.

BASIS does not guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.